Avee aviation microphones for pilots

Professional aviation microphones for standard premium ANR headsets.
Personal   ●   Superior Comfort & ANR   ●   Versatile   ●   Bluetooth   ●   Value for money.

What is the Avee system?

The Avee system (we like to pronounce it ‘eivee’) lets you use a standard non-aviation headset as an aviation headset.

This solution gives you a superior aviation headset – and a headset to use when you are off work: less money to spend compared to purchasing a single-purpose aviation headset, and way less to carry in your flight bag.
The Avee solution is super clean, light – and extremely comfortable to wear.
There are no bulky interface boxes and fishy connections.

Approximately 85% of our customers are commercial pilots in large aircraft like Airbus, Boeing, and Bombardier – while the rest are private pilots in single-engine piston aircraft.

How it works

The Avee system consists of three parts:  a headset adapter that is plugged into your headset, an aircraft adapter that is plugged into the aircraft and the connection between the headset adapter and the aircraft adapter – which is an easily exchangeable, thin and flexible custom USB cable available in two lenghts.

The Avee headset adapter is designed to fit one specific headset type (like a Bose QC45 or Sony WH1000XM5  plus a lot of others) and is attached to the headset using a magnetic connection: a safe ‘click on’ connection when you fly and an easily ‘click off’ connection when you are incognito on seat 22A listening to your favorite podcast.


The Avee aircraft adapters

In the latest Avee generation: the Avee Ultimate –  the electronics for the aircraft interface is built into the dual GA and XLR-5 aircraft interface connectors.
From October 2024 we are also supporting the 174/U connector with Avee built in electronics.
The aircraft adapters have a red and green led:  green light – everything is ok to go/ red light – something is not connected.

On systems shipped after December 5th, you can adjust the initial headset volume and the mic gain from the aircraft adapters.


Bluetooth connectivity

The Avee BlueLink gives you Bluetooth connectivity for the Avee Ultimate.

The BlueLink is an add-on to the add-on and can be plugged it whenever you want it.

Music or audio books are automatically muted or paused whenever ATC or the co-pilots comes in.
Fully and easily configurable with spoken audio messages – giving you full stereo in your Avee Ultimate equipped headset.

Note: To be released before April 2025.

Can the Avee be used in commercial aircraft ?

In principle, any headset with an aviation interface can be used in an aircraft, but practically it is up to the airline to allow or forbid private headsets to be used.

We experience the following:

  1. The airline let their pilots use their own private headsets without any restrictions.
  2. The airline allows the pilots to use a list of airline-approved headsets.
  3. No private headsets are allowed.

The restriction in 2) and 3) is most likely based on a (real) fear that a private headset might cause damage to the aircraft avionics – feeding DC-voltage from pin 5 on XLR-5 connectors back to ac speaker output. On all Avee systems, pin 5 on the XLR-5 is left unconnected.

Approximately 85% of Avee customers are commercial pilots flying for large and small airlines around the world.

What if I don’t like it – and what is the warranty like ?

If you purchase the Avee and you do not like it, you can return it to us within 30 days.
You will get your money back minus shipment costs.

The warranty period on the Avee headset- and aircraft  adapters is 2 years.

On cables we have a one year warranty period.

Read all about warranty, return policy and even how we ship here: https://www.avee.no/shipment_and_warranty/

The Avee Ultimate is the latest generation of  aviation microphone kit from Avee – released in february 2024.

The Avee Ultimate series is smaller, lighter, more comfortable and affordable than ever.

More headsets from Sony® and Bose® are supported, and we have even made a generic version fitting all headsets.

Bluetooth is supported with the new BlueLink Ultimate

Go to the store – or press this link to check it out: https://www.avee.no/product/ultimate-kit/
Upgrades are available if you are already an Avee customer!

If you already own a previous version of the Avee like Robert in his Robinson R22, then (and only then) you can purchase an upgrade to the Ultimate Series – and of course – still keep your old Avee!
And the price is not bad: Check it out by pressing this link

Some rules applies
If you are NOT an Avee customer (original owner) and still purchase this product:

  • we take your money and
  • purchase & drink expensive Norwegian beer
  • forget your order
  • we will leave Norway and go to Thailand – you’ll never find us
Additional products

In our store you find a number of additonal products:

  • The microphone windscreen – held securely in place by the mic barbs!
  • The Avee headset case – made for your Avee and lasered with your name and phone number.
  • Our gorgeous Avee keychain – preferred by cats around the world – and kids at Aero2024
  • Extra magnetic strips –  for attaching the Avee adapter to the headset
  • Legacy NG products – spare parts for older Avee series

Stay tuned with the Avee newsletter

In our newsletters  you will get information on the Avee Aviation microphones and related products, and/or information on the Avee Office related products from us:

  • Technical updates
  • New products information
  • Discounts & promotions
  • Our latest news
  • You can at any time unsubscribe from the Avee newsletter.
  • The Avee newsletters will be issued twice a month at the very most.
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