The New Avee700

The new Avee700 NG vs the Avee700

During the four years since Avee started shipping aviation microphones, we have constantly been improving our product.

The angled connector on the aircraft connector cable to the Avee casing (2019),  the cevlar enforced cable – and the new more sturdy microphone (fall 2020) are examples of that.
When Sony® released the WH1000XM3 we developed an Avee aviation microphone supporting that model – and we did the same when Bose® released the Bose® 700.

The Avee for the Bose® 700 is getting more and more popular. The comfort is excellent and the noise cancelling – the ANR – is simply best in class.

This is the reason for coming up with the new and improved aviation microphone for the Bose® 700: The Avee700 NG

What is changed on the newAvee700 NG

On the Avee700 NG (shipping starting end of March 2021) we have done a few changes from the Avee700 prior to this date (referred to here as the Avee700 legacy version).

Microphone output level

On the Avee700 legacy version, the microphone output level was adjusted using the volume pushbuttons on the bottome side of the case. A procedure was need to set the output volume.

On the new Avee700 NG, the microphone output level is set by using a potentiometer on the under-side of the Avee. Your finger nail or the corner of a creditcard is used to set the level.

Mono / stereo settings

On the Avee700 NG the mono/stereo functionality is set with a separate manual rotary switch. The same finger nail or credit card corner can be used to set mono or stereo functionality.

LED indicator

Whenever the Avee700 NG is plugged into the aircraft and receives bias voltage (the aircraft avionics is turned on), a steady discrete led is lit on the Avee to indicate that it is operational.
This is a new feature.

The new rugged microphone boom

All Avee microphones are shipped with the new rugged microphone boom which is available in two different lengths: 145mm (standard) and 165mm.

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